How to add your own world

In this tutorial we will show you how to add your own world to your server.

Before we start you will need to log in via SFTP or operate via the WEB panel.

There are two ways to add a world to your server.
1. Replacing a primary world.
2. Adding an additional one and managing it with MultiverseCore.


1. Stop the server.
2. Delete the current world folder and upload yours.
3. Start the server.


1. Stop the server.
2. Download and upload the MultiverseCore plugin (
3. Upload the world you want to add via WEB panel or SFTP.
4. Start the server and log in.
5. In the chat, run the command: /mv import (NAME OF THE WORLD YOU UPLOADED) NORMAL
6. To go to the world you execute the command: /mv tp (NAME OF WORLD)
7. Done!

If you can't handle it and need additional support, please open a ticket on our site or on our discord server!

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